Sunday, April 1, 2012

I just don't know what to do with myself, but as always I'll stay busy and frantic in my mind that doesn't know how to stop...

  • The yearbook is done, except for the pages I want to have reopened because of minor editing and formatting errors.
  • I don't have to write on my blog, but I want to write and want to comment on other blogs some more. I am afraid I might lose my new community and that special sharing of humanity.
  • I don't have to do any schoolwork because I am on break, but I have piles of papers to grade. 
  • I don't want to play Draw Something or Words with Friends, but my devices keep buzzing their reminders.
  • I don't want to sweep the back deck, but the pollen keeps creeping in, and I am like Sisyphus with a broom.
  • I don't want to fold laundry, but I must follow the orders of the beeping dryer.
  • I don't want to cook dinner, but my husband is mowing, and I think I should.
I just want to be. I want to be quiet. I want to relax. I want to unwind. I want to stop all the ponderings of my mind and just take in the world around me, being present to the moment, being present to all the gifts God has given me...

Ahhhhh, the mountains are calling my name, and I will answer. Unfortunately, I will take the laptop with me, so I can open the pages as soon as the publisher opens them back for me and do a few minor adjustments. 

One of my days will be a day free of electronics. I read that on a slicer's blog, and I like that idea.  

Dinner to make...


  1. I had to write today as well I agree with you 100%, I do not want to lose this community of writers that I have met during the month of March. Maybe I get to read more of your writing on Tuesdays!

  2. Usually we are good at making lists of all the things we need to do, but I love your list of all the things you don't want to do! "I just want to be." Ah, in the moment. Enjoy your break and I think it's a great idea to have an electronic free day . . . if only I could convince myself of that!

    Glad you wrote today!


Thanks for reading my writing and sharing your thoughts with me.