Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why I write...

Some days I write because I made a commitment.
Some days I write because I think it may keep me from being committed.
Some days I write because I have something I want to share.
Some days I write because I am working out my life in words.
Some days I write because the world's beauty needs words.
Some days I write because the world's ugliness needs words.
Some days I write because misery loves company.
Some days I write because I want to share my joy.

I'm slicing away at my life with words.
I'm busy.
There's no time for this.
I am working out the world around me.
I must make time--
for growth,
for sanity,
for pedagogy,
for wisdom,
for insight,
for community,

To help me live my life with more

I have written in different genres.
I have written about school, my children, my stress, the world.

I have been more disciplined than I have ever been,
even more disciplined than I was for the three weeks of the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project.
The seed has germinated.
I am growing.
One day I won't need an audience,
but I'll always want one.
A community of writers
helps us all grow.

I'm writing right now
to avoid assessing
the writing of others.


  1. I am reading and writing to avoid work plans. I must stop and get back to work. Your writing to keep you from becoming committed gave me a chuckle. I can see you do think deeply before writing. Keep on, someone is reading.

  2. I wish I had written that. Can I copy you? I love how this list poem gives all of my reasons right down to "One day I won't need an audience, but I'll always want one." I crave the responses. So selfish and needy am I. Why?

  3. Oooo! I like your poem about why you write! I understand where you are coming from.

  4. Love these two lines:
    "Some days I write because the world's beauty needs words.
    Some days I write because the world's ugliness needs words."

    Love the onine cimmunity of writers as well.

  5. I love that first part especially, all the reasons you're writing, and like Elsie, I like that final part, writing to avoid. Lovely words that tell the writerly parts of you. It could be a nice poster by your desk couldn't it?

  6. "A community of writers helps us grow." I concur. Your poem today is brilliant. I write to avoid the laundry that keeps calling my name (and to connect with others too.)


Thanks for reading my writing and sharing your thoughts with me.